Looking for: Future Energy Leaders
Come with us to shape the future of the Finnish energy sector! Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Finland is a program established in February 2021 for young energy experts who want to take the lead on the change.
Future Energy Leaders Finland is Looking for Mentors from the Energy Industry
Are you an experienced professional in the energy industry (heating, electricity, transport, and related fields) who is eager to share your knowledge with aspiring young Future Energy Leaders?
FEL Finland Called for Bold Energy Leaders to Deliver on Climate and Diversity During WEC Finland’s Energy Day
The Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Finland’s key task is to fuel change in the energy sector and give the perspective of emerging professionals, by asking questions and challenging the status quo.
Cutting Through the Noise in Energy Communications – Future Energy Leaders Learned How to Deliver a Message With an Impact in a Recent Workshop
As an enabler of nearly all societal functions, energy fundamentally affects all our lives, making conveying information regarding it critical, and therefore also a key component in being a successful leader in the energy sphere
What is the role of sharing information in legislation drafting? Future Energy Leaders delved into the world of public affairs in their November workshop