Chief Energy Modeller Laura Cozzi, International Energy Agency IEA, presents World Energy Outlook 2018

Restaurant Palace, 10th floor
Eteläranta 10, Helsinki

Päiväys ja aika
08:00 – 11:00

World Energy Outlook 2018

Wednesday 14th November

Breakfast 8:00 – 8:30
Programme 8:30 – 11:00
at the Restaurant Palace, 10th floor, Eteläranta 10, Helsinki

 8:30 WelcomeExecutive Officer Helena Kivi-Koskinen, World Energy Council FinlandWhat the latest trends mean for the energy sector 2040 –
World Energy Outlook 2018
Chief Energy Modeller Laura Cozzi,  International Energy Agency IEA 
 9:15  Deep Dive into Electricity Vision for the Future of Electricity Production & Consumption Vice President Simon-Erik Ollus, Trading & Asset Optimisation, FortumDialog between Laura Cozzi, Simon-Erik Ollus and the Audience Short break 10:00  Deep Dive into Gas Vision for the Future of Gas and Low Carbon FutureChief Executive Officer Johanna Lamminen, GasumDialog between Laura Cozzi, Johanna Lamminen and the Audience10:30  Deep Dive into OilVision for the Future of Oil and Liquid Renewable FuelsSenior Adviser Lauri Kärnä, Neste 
 Dialog between Laura Cozzi, Lauri Kärnä and the Audience11:00  The event endsBreakfast is offered by Fortum, Gasum and Neste.