Energy is everyone’s business.

Over the course of history, it has become clear that no country can truly be self-sufficient. Especially on energy. And energy, in all its forms, is one of the key elements that runs modern societies. Uninterrupted service is therefore an imperative not only for the sector and its clients but for societies as a whole.

Internationality has been one key aspect of the development of the modern energy sector since its very beginnings. The international nature of the energy sector has only been compounded over time as technologies, supply chains and transport infrastructures connect not only countries but whole continents. Moreover, today’s global challenges, such as climate change has made it clear that no country is an island when it comes to energy.

In a world that is underpinned by interdependence, cross-national dialogue and cooperation is essential. The World Energy Council, WEC Finland’s parent organisation, was founded in 1923 to facilitate such dialogue on global, regional and national levels.

Welcome to the Nordic Energy Forum in Helsinki 14-15.11.

This year, WEC Finland will do its part in fostering regional dialogue by hosting its first regional summit, the Nordic Energy Forum. The event will gather participants from all over the Baltic Sea region and beyond. The two-day event will be held in Helsinki on November 14-15th with programme that covers topics from EU energy policy to electricity markets, transport and digitalization. The speakers and panellists include key leaders from the energy sector in the region as well as policymakers from national ministries as well as EU bodies.

Day 1 – Energy policy and markets

The aim of the event is not only to promote dialogue but to underline the fact that today’s challenges facing the energy sector will require us to better understand the different perspectives that are currently pushing and pulling the energy sector forward in a very disturbing manner. For example, the vast amount of subsidised renewable production in the region have impacted electricity markets everywhere in the region. National governments are virtually helpless in this situation as most decisions in neighbouring countries impact others.l

Day 2 – Technologies

In addition to challenges, the Nordic Energy Forum will also focus on opportunities that new technologies and business models offer to the energy sector. The forum will focus on recent developments in the transport sector as well as the vast opportunities that digitalization will offer for not only existing companies but also for new players in the field.

But most importantly, the event will offer participants an excellent opportunity to meet new contacts and network with colleagues in a unique setting that will offer something new for everyone. As a chairman of the board of WEC Finland, I warmly welcome you to the first ever, Nordic Energy Forum.


Lauri Virkkunen
CEO, Pohjolan Voima
Chairman of the Board, World Energy Council Finland

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